Now showing items 10-12 of 45

    • 17.118J / SP.412J / WGS.412J Feminist Political Thought, Fall 2000 

      Wood, Elizabeth A. (2000-12)
      This course focuses on a range of theories of gender in modern life. In recent years feminist scholars in a range of disciplines have challenged previously accepted notions of political theory such as the distinctions ...
    • 6.831 User Interface Design and Implementation, Fall 2004 

      Miller, Robert (2004-12)
      6.831 introduces the principles of user interface development, focusing on three key areas: Design: How to design good user interfaces, starting with human capabilities (including the human information processor model, ...
    • 24.09 Minds and Machines, Spring 2007 

      Byrne, Alex (2007-06)
      This course is an introduction to many of the central issues in a branch of philosophy called philosophy of mind. Some of the questions we will discuss include the following. Can computers think? Is the mind an immaterial ...