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dc.contributor.advisorSaman Amarasingheen_US
dc.contributor.authorThies, Williamen_US
dc.contributor.authorHall, Stevenen_US
dc.contributor.authorAmarasinghe, Samanen_US
dc.contributor.otherComputer Architectureen_US
dc.description.abstractDue to the high data rates involved in audio, video, and signalprocessing applications, it is imperative to compress the data todecrease the amount of storage used. Unfortunately, this implies thatany program operating on the data needs to be wrapped by adecompression and re-compression stage. Re-compression can incursignificant computational overhead, while decompression swamps theapplication with the original volume of data.In this paper, we present a program transformation that greatlyaccelerates the processing of compressible data. Given a program thatoperates on uncompressed data, we output an equivalent program thatoperates directly on the compressed format. Our transformationapplies to stream programs, a restricted but useful class ofapplications with regular communication and computation patterns. Ourformulation is based on LZ77, a lossless compression algorithm that isutilized by ZIP and fully encapsulates common formats such as AppleAnimation, Microsoft RLE, and Targa.We implemented a simple subset of our techniques in the StreamItcompiler, which emits executable plugins for two popular video editingtools: MEncoder and Blender. For common operations such as coloradjustment and video compositing, mapping into the compressed domainoffers a speedup roughly proportional to the overall compressionratio. For our benchmark suite of 12 videos in Apple Animationformat, speedups range from 1.1x to 471x, with a median of 15x.en_US
dc.format.extent13 p.en_US
dc.relationMassachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratoryen_US
dc.subjectsynchronous dataflowen_US
dc.titleMapping Stream Programs into the Compressed Domainen_US

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