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dc.contributor.authorZhang, Jinen_US
dc.coverage.temporalFall 2002en_US
dc.identifierlocal: 21F.109
dc.identifierlocal: IMSCP-MD5-3444147b504453fba15682a82ef2f733
dc.description.abstractThe third term in the streamlined sequence. Students who have completed Chinese II streamlined admitted; others should check with the Chinese coordinator. From the course home page: Course Description This course is the intermediate level of the streamlined curriculum, which is intended for students who, when they began streamlined I, had some background in the language, whether it be comprehension with limited speaking ability or quite fluent speaking ability. The focus of the course is on standard pronunciation and usage, on reading in both complex and simplified characters, and on writing. It is presupposed that students in Chinese III have already learned the pinyin system of representing pronunciation sufficiently well to be able to read texts in pinyin accurately. (If not, there are pinyin tutorials to assist you to learn the system.)en_US
dc.rights.uriUsage Restrictions: This site (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2003. Content within individual courses is (c) by the individual authors unless otherwise noted. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is providing this Work (as defined below) under the terms of this Creative Commons public license ("CCPL" or "license"). The Work is protected by copyright and/or other applicable law. Any use of the work other than as authorized under this license is prohibited. By exercising any of the rights to the Work provided here, You (as defined below) accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this license. The Licensor, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, grants You the rights contained here in consideration of Your acceptance of such terms and conditions.en_US
dc.subjectChinese languageen_US
dc.subjectwritten Chineseen_US
dc.subjectChinese usageen_US
dc.title21F.109 Chinese III (Streamlined), Fall 2002en_US
dc.title.alternativeChinese III (Streamlined)en_US

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