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dc.contributor.authorPatrikalakis, N. M. (Nicholas M.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorVandiver, J. Kimen_US
dc.coverage.temporalFall 2002en_US
dc.identifierlocal: 13.013J
dc.identifierlocal: IMSCP-MD5-8178cb9fdb17b9f1362f0d3b479bd01d
dc.description.abstractIntroduction to dynamics and vibration of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems. Three-dimensional particle kinematics. Force-momentum formulation for systems of particles and for rigid bodies (direct method). Newton-Euler equations. Work-enery (variational) formulation for systems particles and for rigid bodies (indirect method). Virtual displacements and work. Lagrange's equations for systems of particles and for rigid bodies. Linearization of equations of motion. Linear stability analysis of mechanical systems. Free and forced vibration of linear damped lumped parameter multi-degree of freedom models of mechanical systems. Application to the design of ocean and civil engineering structures such as tension leg platforms.en_US
dc.rights.uriUsage Restrictions: This site (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2003. Content within individual courses is (c) by the individual authors unless otherwise noted. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is providing this Work (as defined below) under the terms of this Creative Commons public license ("CCPL" or "license"). The Work is protected by copyright and/or other applicable law. Any use of the work other than as authorized under this license is prohibited. By exercising any of the rights to the Work provided here, You (as defined below) accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this license. The Licensor, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, grants You the rights contained here in consideration of Your acceptance of such terms and conditions.en_US
dc.subjectlumped-parameter modelsen_US
dc.subjectmechanical systemsen_US
dc.subjectThree-dimensional particle kinematicsen_US
dc.subjectForce-momentum formulationen_US
dc.subjectNewton-Euler equationsen_US
dc.subjectWork-enery (variational) formulationen_US
dc.subjectsystems particlesen_US
dc.subjectrigid bodies (indirect method)en_US
dc.subjectVirtual displacementsen_US
dc.subjectLagrange's equationsen_US
dc.subjectLinear stability analysisen_US
dc.subjectVibration (Marine engineering)en_US
dc.title13.013J Dynamics and Vibration, Fall 2002en_US
dc.title.alternativeDynamics and Vibrationen_US
dc.typeLearning Object
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Ocean Engineering

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