The MIT Sloan School of Management is committed to improving the world by advancing the practice of management. We offer a dynamic curriculum that includes the following areas:

Corporate Strategy and Policy
Health Care Management
History, Environment and Ethics
Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management
Information Technologies
International Management
Managerial Economics
Operations Management
Operations Research/Statistics
Organizational Studies
System Dynamics
Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

MIT Sloan has many top-ranked academic programs, including our MBA Program, the MIT Sloan Fellows Program for Innovation and Global Leadership, the Leaders for Manufacturing Program, the Undergraduate Program in Management Science, and our PhD Program. In addition, we offer a series of non-degreed Executive Education programs.

Additional information can be found at the Web site for the MIT Sloan School of Management .

Recent Submissions

  • 6.436J / 15.085J Fundamentals of Probability, Fall 2008 

    Gamarnik, David; Tsitsiklis, John (2008-12)
    This is a course on the fundamentals of probability geared towards first- or second-year graduate students who are interested in a rigorous development of the subject. The course covers most of the topics in 6.431 (sample ...
  • 15.280 Communication for Managers, Fall 2008 

    Hartman, Neal (2008-12)
    Writing and speaking skills necessary for a career in management. Students polish communication strategies and methods through discussion, examples, and practice. Several written and oral assignments, most based on material ...
  • 15.905 Technology Strategy, Spring 2007 

    Davies, Michael (2007-06)
    This course provides a strategic framework for managing high-technology businesses. The emphasis throughout is on the development and application of ways of thinking or mental models that bring clarity to the complex ...

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