Ocean Engineering (13) - Archived: Recent submissions
Now showing items 4-6 of 20
13.10J Structural Mechanics, Fall 2002
(2002-12)Fundamental concepts of structural mechanics with applications to marine, civil, and mechanical structures. Residual stresses. Thermal effects. Analysis of beams, columns, tensioned beams, trusses, frames, arches, cables, ... -
13.853 Computational Ocean Acoustics, Spring 2003
(2003-06)Wave equations for fluid and visco-elastic media. Wave-theory formulations of acoustic source radiation and seismo-acoustic propagation in stratified ocean waveguides. Wavenumber Integration and Normal Mode methods for ... -
13.013J Dynamics and Vibration, Fall 2002
(2002-12)Introduction to dynamics and vibration of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems. Three-dimensional particle kinematics. Force-momentum formulation for systems of particles and for rigid bodies (direct method). ...