Now showing items 7-9 of 47

    • 3.A24 Freshman Seminar: The Engineering of Trees, Spring 2003 

      Gibson, Lorna J. (2003-06)
      Why are things in nature shaped the way they are? Why can't trees grow taller than they are? Why is grass skinny and hollow? Why are some leaves full of holes? These are the types of questions Dr. Lorna Gibson's freshman ...
    • 3.225 Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials, Summer 2002 

      Gibson, Lorna J.; Tuller, Harry L.; Fitzgerald, Eugene (2002)
      Electrical, optical, magnetic, and mechanical properties of metals, semiconductors, ceramics and polymers. Discussion of roles of bonding, structure (crystalline, defect, energy band and microstructure) and composition in ...
    • 3.91J / 1.593J Mechanical Behavior of Plastics, Spring 2003 

      Roylance, David (2003-06)
      Relation among chemical composition, physical structure, and mechanical behavior of plastics or synthetic high polymers. Study of types of polymers; fundamentals of viscoelastic phenomena such as creep, stress relaxation, ...