Now showing items 7-9 of 47

    • 14.454 Macroeconomic Theory IV, Fall 2004 

      Caballero, Ricardo (2004-12)
      This half-term course covers the macroeconomic implications of imperfections in labor markets, goods markets, credit and financial markets. The role of nominal rigidities is also an area of focus.
    • 3.40J / 22.71J Physical Metallurgy, Spring 2004 

      Russell, Kenneth; van Vliet, Krystyn (2004-06)
      This course examines how the presence of 1-, 2- and 3D defects and second phases control the mechanical, electromagnetic and chemical behavior of metals and alloys. It considers point, line and interfacial defects in the ...
    • 12.119 Analytical Techniques for Studying Environmental and Geologic Samples, Spring 2006 

      Boyle, Edward; Frey, Frederick; Bowring, Samuel; Grove, Timothy (2006-06)
      This is a laboratory course supplemented by lectures that focus on selected analytical facilities that are commonly used to determine the mineralogy, elemental abundance and isotopic ratios of Sr and Pb in rocks, soils, ...