Now showing items 4-6 of 16

    • BE.104J Chemicals in the Environment: Toxicology and Public Health, Spring 2005 

      Sherley, James L.; Tannenbaum, Steven R., 1937-; Green, Laura C. (2005-06)
      This course addresses the challenges of defining a relationship between exposure to environmental chemicals and human disease. Course topics include epidemiological approaches to understanding disease causation; biostatistical ...
    • BE.441 Biomaterials-Tissue Interactions, Fall 2003 

      Spector, Myron; Yannas, Ioannis V. (2003-12)
      Principles of materials science and cell biology underlying the design of medical implants, artificial organs, and matrices for tissue engineering. Methods for biomaterials surface characterization and analysis of protein ...
    • BE.453J Biomedical Information Technology, Spring 2005 

      Dewey, C. Forbes (Clarence Forbes) (2005-06)
      The objective of this subject is to teach the design of contemporary information systems for biological and medical data. These data are growing at a prodigious rate, and new information systems are required. This subject ...