Now showing items 115-134 of 492

    • Data Model Equivalence 

      Borkin, Sheldon A. (1978-12)
      The current proliferation of proposals for database system data models and the desire for database systems which support several different data models raise many questions concerning "equivalence properties" of different ...
    • Data Sharing in Group Work 

      Greif Irene; Sarin, Sunil (1986-10)
      Data sharing is fundamental to computer-supported cooperative work: people share information through explicit communication channels and through their coordinated use of shared databases. Database support tools are therefore ...
    • Dataflow Architectures 

      Arvind; Culler, David E. (2/12/86)
      Dataflow graphs are described as a machine language for parallel machines. Static and dynamic dataflow architectures are presented as two implementations of the abstract dataflow model. Static dataflow allows at most one ...
    • Decidability of Equivalence for a Class of Data Flow Schemas 

      Qualitz, Joseph E. (1975-03)
      In this paper we examine a class of computation schemas and consider the problem of deciding when pairs of elements in this class represent equivalent programs. We are able to show that equivalence is decidable for a ...
    • A Decidability Result for a Second Order Process Logic 

      Parikh, Rohit (1978-09)
      We prove the decidability of the validity problem for a rather general language for talking about computations. As corollaries of our result, we obtain some decidability results of Pratt, Constable, Fischer-Ladner, and ...
    • Decision Problems for Petri Nets and Vector Addition Systems 

      Hack, Michael (1975-03)
      Petri Nets, Generalized Petri Nets, and Vector Addition Systems can represent each other and thus have common decideability problems. The graphical appeal of Petri Nets is used in a new presentation of the classical problems ...
    • A Decision Procedure for the First Order Theory of Real Addition with Order 

      Ferrante, Jeanne; Rackoff, Charles (1973-05)
      Consider the first order theory of the real numbers with the predicates + (plus) and < (less than). Let S be the set of true sentences. We first present an elimination of quantifiers decision procedure for S, and then ...
    • The Deducibility Problem in Propositional Dynamic Logic 

      Meyer, Albert R.; Streett, Robert S.; Mirkowska, Grazina (1981-02)
      The problem of whether an arbitrary formula of Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL) is deducible from a fixed axiom scheme of PDL is _ ]1-complete. Ths contrasts with the decidability of the problem when the axiom scheme is ...
    • Definability in Dynamic Logic 

      Meyer, Albert R.; Parikh, Rohit (1980-02)
      We study the expressive power of various versions of Dynamic Logic and compare them with each other as well as with standard languages in the logical literature. One version of Dynamic Logic is equivalent to the infinitary ...
    • Description and Flow Chart of the PDP-7/9 Communications Package 

      Ward, Philip W. (1970-07)
      The PDP-7/9 Communications Package was written to provide data transfers between the buffer controller (PDP-7 or PDP-9) of an ESL Display Console and a host computer via a 50-kilobit serial Dataphone link. Initially, only ...
    • Descriptions and the Specialization of Concepts 

      Martin, William A. (1978-03)
      The OWL II System computes with expressions which describe an object from a particular viewpoint. These partial descriptions form a tree structure under the specialization operation, which preserves intensional properties. ...
    • The Design of a Modular Laboratory for Control Robotics 

      Malvania, Nikhil (1976-09)
      Computer have been used for the control of physical processes since the early sixties. In this thesis, we look at Control Robotics, the procedural control of physical processes. Based upon this new approach, a design for ...
    • Design of a Program for Expert Diagnosis of Acid Base and Electrolyte Disturbances 

      Patil, Ramesh S. (1979-05)
      This research develops the diagnostic component of an interactive system for providing expert advice for the diagnosis, therapy and ongoing management of patients with acid-base and electrolyte disturbances. We have developed ...
    • Deterministic Propositional Dynamic Logic: Finite Models, Complexity, and Completeness 

      Ben-Ari, Mordechai; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pnueli, Amir (1981-01)
      Let p be a formular in deterministic propositional dynamic logic. A decision procedure for the satisfiability of p is given along with a construction of a finite model for every satisifiable p. The decision procedure runs ...
    • Discrete Computation: Theory and Open Problems 

      Meyer, Albert R. (1974-01)
      Complexity 1. Borodin, A. Computational Complexity: Theory and Practice, in Currents in the Theory of Computing, A. Aho, ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliff, N.J., 1973,pp.32-89.
    • Distributed Control in Computer Networks and Cross-sections of Colored Multidimensional Bodies 

      Kranakis, Evangelos; Vitanti, Paul M.B. (1986-04)
      The number of messages to match a pair of processes in a multiprocessor network with mobile processes is a measure for the cost of setting up temporary communication between processes. We establish lower bounds on the ...
    • Distributed FIFO Allocation of Identical Resources Using Small Shared Space 

      Fischer, Michael J.; Lynch, Nancy A.; Burns, James; Borodin, Allan (1985-10)
      We present a simple and efficient algorithm for the FIFO allocation of k identical resources among asynchronous processes which communicate via shared memory. The algorithm simulates a shared queue but uses exponentially ...
    • Dribble-Back Registers: A Technique for Latency Tolerance in Multiprocessors 

      Soundararajan, Vijayaraghavan (1992-06)
      As parallel machines grow in scale and complexity, latency tolerance of synchronization faults and remote memory accesses becomes increasingly important. One method for tolerating this by multithreading the processor and ...
    • Dscribe: A Scribe Server 

      Chung, Janice C. (1985-10)
      This document gives a complete description of the design and implementation of Dscribe, the Scribe server. Dscribe is a program which allows users on a variety of hosts to have files processed remotely by the Scribe document ...
    • Dynamic Algebras and the Nature of Induction 

      Pratt, Vaughan R. (1980-03)
      Dynamic algebras constitute the variety (equationally defined class) of models of the Segerberg axioms for propositional dynamic logic. We obtrain the following results (to within inseparability). (i) In any dynamic algebra ...