Now showing items 316-335 of 492

    • On the Mathematics of Virus Shell Assembly 

      Berger, Bonnie; Shor, Peter W. (1994-07)
      A local rule theory is developed which shows that the self-assembly of icosahedral virus shells may depend on only the lower-level interactions of a protein subunit with its neighbors, i.e. local rules, rather than on ...
    • On the Numbers of Close-and-equal Pairs of Bits in a String (with Implications on the Security of RSA'S L.S.B.) 

      Goldreich, Oded (1984-03)
      We consider the following problem: Let s be a n-bit string with m ones and n-m zeros. Denote by CEt(s) the number of pairs, of equal bits which are within distance t apart, in the string s. What is the minimum value of ...
    • On the Redundancy Achieved by Huffman Codes 

      De Prisco, Roberto; De Santis, Alfredo (1995-09)
      It has been recently proved that the redundancy r of any discrete memoryless source satisfies r < 1 -H(pn), where pn is the least likely source letter probability. This bound is achieved only by sources consisting of two ...
    • On the Security of the Merkle-Hellman Cryptographic Scheme 

      Shamir, Adi; Zippel, Richard E. (1978-12)
      In this paper we show that a simplified version of the Merkel-Hellman public-key cryptographic system is breakable. While their full-fledged system seems to be resistant to the cryptanalytic attack we propose, this result ...
    • On the Sequential Nature of Unification 

      Dwork, Cynthia; Kanellakis, Paris C.; Mitchell, John C. (1984-03)
      The problem of unification of terms is log-space complete for P. In deriving this lower bound no use is made of the potentially concise representation of terms by directed acyclic graphs. In addition, the problem remains ...
    • On the Worst-case Behavior of String-searching Algorithms 

      Rivest, Ronald L. (1976-04)
      Any algorithm for finding a pattern of length k in a string of length n must examine at least n-k+1 of the characters of the string in the worst case. By considering the pattern 00…0, we prove that this is the best possible ...
    • On Triangulations of a Set of Points in the Plane 

      Lloyd, Error Lynn (1977-07)
      A set, V, of points in the plane is triangulated by a subset, T, of the straight line segments whose enpoints are in V, if T is a maximal subset such that the line segments in T intersect only at their endpoints. The weight ...
    • On-line Algorithms for 2-coloring Hypergraphs via Chip Games 

      Aslam, Javed A.; Dhagat, Aditi (1990-12)
    • On-line Scheduling of Parallel Machines 

      Wein, Joel; Williamson, David P. (1990-11)
      We study the problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines in an on-line fashion, where the processing requirement of a job is not known until the job is completed. Despite this lack of knowledge of the future, we wish ...
    • Online Tracking of Mobile Users 

      Awercuch, Baruch; Peleg, David (1989-08)
      This paper deals with the problem of maintaining a distributed directory server, that enables us to keep track of mobile users in a distributed network. The paper introduces the graph-theoretic concept of regional matching, ...
    • Operational Semantics of a Data Flow Language 

      Brock, Jarvis D. (1978-12)
      A data flow machine achieves high performance by the concurrent execution of machine code consisting of data flow graphs which explicitly represent the data dependencies among program instructions. This thesis presents the ...
    • An Operator Embedding Theorem for Complexity Classes of Recursive Functions 

      Moll, Robert (1973-05)
      Let F (t) be the set of functions computable by some machine using no more than t(x) machine steps on all but finitely many arguments x. If we order the - classes under set inclusion as t varies over the recursive functions, ...
    • Opportunistic Log: Efficient Installation Reads in a Reliable Object Server 

      O'Toole, James; Shrira, Liuba (1994-04)
      In a distributed storage system, client caches managed on the basis of small granularity objects can provide better memory utilization then page-based caches. However, object servers, unlike page servers, must perform ...
    • Optimal Arrangement of Keys in a Hash Table 

      Rivest, Ronald L. (1976-07)
      When open addressing is used to resolve collisions in a hash table, a given set of keys may be arranged in many ways; typically this depends on the order in which the keys are inserted. We show that arrangements minimizing ...
    • Optimal Clock Synchronization Under Different Delay Assumptions 

      Attiya, Hagit; Herzberg, Amir; Rajsbaum, Sergio (1994-04)
      The problem of achieving optimal clock synchronization in a communication network with arbitrary topology and perfect clocks (that do not drift) is studied. Clock synchronization algorithms are presented for a large family ...
    • Optimal Distributed Algorithms for Sorting and Ranking 

      Zaks, Shmuel (1984-05)
      We study the problems of sorting and ranking n processors that have initial values - not necessarily distinct - in a distrubuted system. Sorting means that the initial values have to move around in the network and be ...
    • Optimal Placement for River Routing 

      Leiseron, Charles E.; Pinter, Ron Y. (1981-10)
      Programs for integrated circuit layout typically have two phases: placement and routing. The router should produce as efficient a layout as possible, but of course the quality of the routhing depends heavily on the quality ...
    • An Optimality Theory of Concurrency Control for Databases 

      Kung, Hsing-Tsung; Papadimitrou, Christos H. (1980-11)
      A concurrency control mechanism (or a scheduler) is the component of a database system that safeguards the consistency of the database in the presence of interleaved accesses and update requests. We formally show that the ...
    • Optimizing Synchronous Systems 

      Leiserson, Charles E.; Saxe, James B. (1982-03)
      The complexity of integrated-circuit chips produced today makes it feasible to build inexpensive, special-purpose subsystems that rapidly solve sophisticated problems on behalf of a general-purpose host computer. This paper ...
    • An Overview of OWL, A Language for Knowledge Representation 

      Szolovits, Peter; Hawkinson, Lowell B.; Martin, William A. (1977-06)
      We describe the motivation and overall organization of the OWL language for knowledge representation. OWL consists of a memory of concepts in terms of which all English phrases and all knowledge of an application domain ...