Now showing items 910-929 of 1163

    • Replication Control in Distributed B-Trees 

      Cosway, Paul R. (1997-02)
      B-trees are a commonly used data structure to associate symbols with related information, as in a symbol table or file index. The performance of B-tree algorithms is well understood for sequential processing and even ...
    • Replication in the Harp File System 

      Liskov, B.; Ghemawat, S.; Gruber, R.; Johnson, P.; Shrira, L.; e.a. (1991-08)
      This paper describes the design and implementation of the Harp file system. Harp is a replicated Unix file system accessible via the VFS interface. It provides highly available and reliable storage for files and guarantees ...
    • Replication Methods for Abstract Data Types 

      Herlihy, Maurice Peter (1984-05)
      Replication can enhance the availability of data in a distributed system. This thesis introduces a new method for managing replicated data. We propose new techniques to address four problems associated with replication: ...
    • Report on the Second Workshop on Data Flow Computer and Program Organization 

      Misunas, David P. (1979-06)
      The following report comprises an edited transcript of presentations made at the Workshop of Data Flow Computer and Program Organization, held at MIT on July 9-13, 1978, and co-sponsored by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory ...
    • Report on the Workshop on Data Flow Computer and Program Organization 

      Misunas, David P. (1977-11)
      The following report comprises an edited transcript of presentations made at the Workshop of Data Flow Computer and Program Organization, held at MIT on July 10-14, 1977 and co-sponsored by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory ...
    • Report on the Workshop on Self-timed Systems 

      Bryant, Randal E. (1980-05)
    • Representation and Analysis of Real-Time Control Structures 

      Archer, Rowland F., Jr. (1980-08)
      A new notation is introduced for representing real-time scheduling at the task and event level. These schedules are called control structures. The primary constructs included which direct the flow of control are sequencing, ...
    • Representing Change 

      Sacks, Elisha (1986-05)
      This paper evaluates knowledge representations for time-dependent information. It compares recent work by Moore, McDermott, and Allen with an ealier proposal by McCarthy and Hayes. Moore's formalism is faulted for its ...
    • Research Directions in Computer Architecture 

      Dennis, Jack B.; Fuller, Samuel H.; Ackerman, William B.; Swan, Richard J.; Weng, Kung-Song (1978-09)
    • Research on Experts Systems 

      Gorry, G. Anthony (1974-12)
    • Resource Allocation in Multiprocess Computer Systems 

      Denning, Peter James (1968-05)
      The dynamic allocation for limited processor and main memory resources among members of a user community is investigated as a supply-and-demand problem. The work is divided into four phases. First phase is the construction ...
    • Resource Management for the Tagged Token Dataflow Architecture 

      Culler, David E. (1985-01)
      The Tagged Token Dataflow Architecture is a multiprocessor based on the U-interpreter model of dataflow computation. It captures the essential execution mechanism of the U-interpreter precisely; operations are enabled for ...
    • Restricted Branching Programs and Hardware Verification 

      Ponzio, Stephen J. (1995-08)
      Recent developments in the field of digital design and hardware verification have found great use for restricted forms of branching programs. In particular, oblivious read-once branching programs (also called "OBDD's") ...
    • Retiming Synchronous Circuitry 

      Leiserson, Charles E.; Saxe, James B. (1986-05)
      This paper shows how the technique of retiming can be used to transform a given sycnhronous circuit into a more efficient circuit under a variety of different cost criteria. We model a circuit as a graph, and we give an ...
    • Reversible Computing 

      Toffoli, Tommaso (1980-02)
      The theory of reversible computing is based on invertible primitives and composition rules that preserve invertibility. With these constraints, one can still satisfactorily deal with both functional and structural aspects ...
    • Revisiting the Paxos Algorithm 

      De Prisco, Roberto (1997-06)
      The Paxos algorithm is an efficient and highly fault-tolerant algorithm, devised by Lamport, for reaching consensus in a distributed system. Although it appears to be practical, it seems to be not widely known or understood. ...
    • The Revitalized Relationship Between Probabilistically Checkable Debate Systems, IP, and PSpace 

      Russell, Alexander; Sundaram, Ravi (1993-09)
      In 1990, PSPACE was shown to be identical to IP, the class of languages with interactive proofs [11, 2]. Recently, PSPACE was again recharacterized, this time in terms of (Random) Probabilistically Checkable Debate Systems ...
    • REX: Secure, modular remote execution through file descriptor passing 

      Kaminsky, Michael; Peterson, Eric; Fu, Kevin; Mazières, David; Kaashoek, M. Frans (2003-01)
      The ubiquitous SSH package has demonstrated the importance of secure remote login and execution. This paper presents a new system, REX, designed to provide remote login and execution in the context of the SFS secure ...
    • A Robust Environment for Program Development 

      Goldberg, Harold J. (1977-02)
      This thesis examines the problems of debugging and preservation of the user programming environment and proposes a scheme by which the program development environment can be protected. Typically, designers of timeshared ...