Now showing items 7-9 of 776

    • Universal Motion Generator: Trajectory Autocompletion by Motion Prompts 

      Wang, Yanwei; Shah, Julie (2022-06-15)
      Foundation models, which are large neural networks trained on massive datasets, have shown impressive generalization in both the language and the vision domain. While fine-tuning foundation models for new tasks at test-time ...
    • Active Loop Detection for Applications that Access Databases 

      Shen, Jiasi; Rinard, Martin (2021-11-15)
      We present Shear, a new system that observes and manipulates the interaction between an application and its surrounding environment to learn a model of the behavior of the application. Shear implements active loop detection ...
    • Active Loop Detection for Applications that Access Databases 

      Shen, Jiasi; Rinard, Martin (2021-09-09)
      We present Shear, a new system that observes and manipulates the interaction between an application and its surrounding environment to learn a model of the behavior of the application. Shear implements active loop detection ...