Now showing items 275-294 of 775

    • A File Location, Replication, and Distribution System for Network Information to Aid Network Management 

      Cheng, Tiffany (2010-09-22)
      This thesis demonstrates and evaluates the design, architecture, and implementation of a file location, replication, and distribution system built with the objective of managing information in an Internet network. The ...
    • File Synchronization with Vector Time Pairs 

      Cox, Russ; Josephson, William (2005-02-28)
      Vector time pairs are a new method for trackingsynchronization metadata. A vector time pairconsists of two vector times: one tracking filemodification history and one tracking filesynchronization history. Because the ...
    • Filtered Iterators For Safe and Robust Programs in RIFL 

      Shen, Jiasi; Rinard, Martin (2015-12-27)
      We present a new language construct, filtered iterators, for safe and robust input processing. Filtered iterators are designed to eliminate many common input-processing errors while enabling robust continued execution. The ...
    • Finding aircraft collision-avoidance strategies using policy search methods 

      Kaelbling, Leslie Pack; Lozano-Perez, Tomas (2009-09-12)
      A progress report describing the application of policy gradient and policy search by dynamic programming methods to an aircraft collision avoidance problem inspired by the requirements of next-generation TCAS.
    • Finding Bugs In Dynamic Web Applications 

      Artzi, Shay; Kiezun, Adam; Dolby, Julian; Tip, Frank; Dig, Danny; e.a. (2008-02-06)
      Web script crashes and malformed dynamically-generated web pages are common errors, and they seriously impact usability of web applications. Currenttools for web-page validation cannot handle the dynamically-generatedpages ...
    • Finding Bugs in Web Applications Using Dynamic Test Generation and Explicit State Model Checking 

      Tip, Frank; Ernst, Michael D.; Dig, Danny; Dolby, Julian; Kiezun, Adam; e.a. (2009-03-26)
      Web script crashes and malformed dynamically-generated web pages are common errors, and they seriously impact the usability of web applications. Current tools for web-page validation cannot handle the dynamically generated ...
    • Finding Longest Increasing and Common Subsequences in Streaming Data 

      Liben-Nowell, David; Vee, Erik; Zhu, An (2003-11-26)
      In this paper, we present algorithms and lower bounds for the Longest Increasing Subsequence(LIS) and Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problems in the data streaming model.
    • Finding the needles in the haystack: Generating legal test inputs for object-oriented programs 

      Artzi, Shay; Ernst, Michael D.; Kiezun, Adam; Pacheco, Carlos; Perkins, Jeff H. (2006-08-31)
      A test input for an object-oriented program typically consists of asequence of method calls that use the API defined by the programunder test. Generating legal test inputs can be challenging because,for some programs, the ...
    • Finite Horizon Control Design for Optimal Discrimination between Several Models 

      Blackmore, Lars; Williams, Brian (2006-02-28)
      Multiple-Model fault detection is a powerful method for detecting changes, such as faults, in dynamic systems. In many cases, the ability of such a detection scheme to distinguish between possible models for the system ...
    • First Class Copy & Paste 

      Edwards, Jonathan (2006-05-22)
      The Subtext project seeks to make programming fundamentally easier by altering the nature of programming languages and tools. This paper defines an operational semantics for an essential subset of the Subtext language. It ...
    • Fleets: Scalable Services in a Factored Operating System 

      Wentzlaff, David; Gruenwald, Charles, III; Beckmann, Nathan; Belay, Adam; Kasture, Harshad; e.a. (2011-03-09)
      Current monolithic operating systems are designed for uniprocessor systems, and their architecture reflects this. The rise of multicore and cloud computing is drastically changing the tradeoffs in operating system design. ...
    • Flexible Execution of Plans with Choice and Uncertainty 

      Conrad, Patrick R; Williams, Brian C (2011-01-15)
      Dynamic plan execution strategies allow an autonomous agent to respond to uncertainties, while improving robustness and reducing the need for an overly conservative plan. Executives have improved robustness by expanding ...
    • Flexible MIPS Soft Processor Architecture 

      Carli, Roberto (2008-06-16)
      The flexible MIPS soft processor architecture borrows selected technologies from high-performance computing to deliver a modular, highly customizable CPU targeted towards FPGA implementations for embedded systems; the ...
    • Flowtune: Flowlet Control for Datacenter Networks 

      Perry, Jonathan; Balakrishnan, Hari; Shah, Devavrat (2016-08-15)
      Rapid convergence to a desired allocation of network resources to endpoint traffic has been a long-standing challenge for packet-switched networks. The reason for this is that congestion control decisions are distributed ...
    • Fluorescence Assay for Polymerase Arrival Rates 

      Che, Austin (2003-08-31)
      To engineer complex synthetic biological systems will require modulardesign, assembly, and characterization strategies. The RNApolymerase arrival rate (PAR) is defined to be the rate that RNApolymerases arrive at a specified ...
    • Fragment Grammars: Exploring Computation and Reuse in Language 

      O'Donnell, Timothy J.; Tenenbaum, Joshua B.; Goodman, Noah D. (2009-03-31)
      Language relies on a division of labor between stored units and structure building operations which combine the stored units into larger structures. This division of labor leads to a tradeoff: more structure-building means ...
    • A Frequency Analysis of Monte-Carlo and other Numerical Integration Schemes 

      Durand, Frédo (2011-12-14)
      The numerical calculation of integrals is central to many computer graphics algorithms such as Monte-Carlo Ray Tracing. We show that such methods can be studied using Fourier analysis. Numerical error is shown to correspond ...
    • From Formal Methods to Executable Code 

      Musial, Peter M. (2012-08-27)
      The objective of this work is the derivation of software that is verifiably correct. Our approach is to abstract system specifications and model these in a formal framework called Timed Input/Output Automata, which provides ...
    • From primal templates to invariant recognition 

      Leibo, Joel Z; Mutch, Jim; Ullman, Shimon; Poggio, Tomaso (2010-12-04)
      We can immediately recognize novel objects seen only once before -- in different positions on the retina and at different scales (distances). Is this ability hardwired by our genes or learned during development -- and ...
    • Functional Differential Geometry 

      Sussman, Gerald Jay; Wisdom, Jack (2005-02-02)
      Differential geometry is deceptively simple. It is surprisingly easyto get the right answer with unclear and informal symbol manipulation.To address this problem we use computer programs to communicate aprecise understanding ...