Now showing items 4-6 of 7

    • Unlocking the Supply of E-waste for Materials Recovery: Regulatory Complexity in Transboundary Movement 

      Maji, Poushali; Calvin, Susannah (2023-10-24)
      Globally less than a fifth of e-waste generated was collected and recycled in 2019, with the remaining landfilled, reused or recycled informally, largely in developing regions. A key challenge to unlocking the supply of ...
    • Alternative Fuels and Powertrains to Decarbonize Heavy Duty Trucking 

      MacDonell, Danika; Biswas, Sayandeep; Moreno Sader, Kariana (2023-09-15)
      Amid mounting urgency to rapidly decarbonize the global economy in the coming decades, the trucking industry sits on the cusp of a dramatic transition to low-carbon alternative fuels and powertrains. Technological trends ...
    • Carbon Credits and Credibility: A Collaborative Endeavor 

      Coleman, Evan; Tripathy, Aneil; Sroka, Sydney; Klein, Levente; Ferreira da Silva, Ademir; e.a. (2023-09-04)
      Voluntary carbon markets (VCM) hold the promise of offsetting hard-to-decarbonize emissions for corporate climate and net zero strategies (Gentile 2022). However, concerns about greenwashing and the quality of voluntary ...