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dc.contributor.authorMurman, Earll
dc.contributor.authorAllen, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorBozdogan, Kirkor
dc.contributor.authorCkutcher-Gershenfeld, Joel
dc.contributor.authorMcManus, Hugh
dc.contributor.authorNightingale, Deborah
dc.contributor.authorRebentisch, Eric
dc.contributor.authorShields, Tom
dc.contributor.authorStahl, Fred
dc.contributor.authorWalton, Myles
dc.contributor.authorWaremkessel, Joyce
dc.contributor.authorWeiss, Stanley
dc.contributor.authorWidnall, Sheila
dc.description.abstractThe 2002 edition of Lean Enterprise Value elevated prevailing lean production thinking into a bold new framework for lean enterprise value creation, focused on the challenge of transforming the greater aerospace enterprise. The book’s core message was that an enterprise must create value throughout its value stream, for all stakeholders, to achieve lasting success in an environment of fundamental and continuing change. This second edition enriches the book’s original message by bringing an important new insight: lean enterprise value creation can be significantly enhanced by a dynamic learning and value creating community. This concept is explored by focusing directly on the evolution of the Lean Advancement Initiative (LAI), since the initiative itself represents a model for such a community. Drawing principally on the initiative’s work in its second decade, the authors develop a new framework for evolving dynamic learning and value creating communities – defining their enablers, core attributes, and the overarching principles guiding their evolution. The framework is supported by concrete examples, case studies, and stories from LAI’s lived experience. This work is reported in an extensive new Epilogue and accompanying appendices, which contain a wealth of publicly available background material, references, resources, and tools, capturing LAI’s legacy. The second edition offers new insights into the challenge of creating value in technically complex modern enterprises, industries, and industrial ecosystems, reaching beyond aerospace. A major concluding suggestion is that LAI’s model as a dynamic learning and value creating community can be replicated as a template to tackle a variety of complex, large-scale, “messy” transformational challenges.en_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License*
dc.subjectlean enterpriseen_US
dc.subjectlean enterprise valueen_US
dc.subjectenterprise transformationen_US
dc.subjectvalue creationen_US
dc.subjectvalue creating communitiesen_US
dc.subjectlearning and value creating communitiesen_US
dc.titleLean Enterprise Value Second Editionen_US

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