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dc.contributor.authorBozdogan, Kirkor
dc.description.abstractThe aerospace supplier base is characterized by complex interfaces that represent a significant source of waste, delay and defects. This is seriously undermining the achievement of affordability targets in current acquisition programs and blocking the development of an agile logistics capability supporting the operational forces. There is, hence, an urgent need for fresh thinking and action, particularly in view of the imperative to deliver effects-based capabilities to the warfighters and to enhance the competitiveness of the U.S. aerospace industry. The objective is to develop and test a practical “change model” can be deployed by the aerospace community. The proposed effort would entail conducting a number of pilot projects that can serve as test-beds, providing not only a learning laboratory but also generating tangible benefits. The resulting product – structured methodology, best practices, and tools and techniques, training and educational materials – can be used by many organizations to pursue collaborative action, to validate their existing processes, and to deploy as needed in particular situations.en_US
dc.subjectsupplier networksen_US
dc.subjectvertical interfacesen_US
dc.subjectcollaborative actionen_US
dc.titleLean Supply Chain Now: Proposed Concept Demonstration Initiative – An Activity of the Lean Aerospace Initiative Supplier Networks Working Groupen_US

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