DRAGON Addenda ---------------- This tarball contains a copy of the modifications you need to perform in order to extract fission rates from the DRAGON code (http://www.polymtl.ca/nucleaire/DRAGON/en/download/index.php ). It contains: - two Fortran files, EVOSIG.f and EVODRV.f - a sample input file, input.x2m - a sample output file, SF97jendlB630_step0000.dragon - a tutorial, DRAGONtutorial.pdf. To build the modified version of DRAGON, 1) Download DRAGON from the above website, 2) After unzipping the tarball, replace EVODRV.f and EVOSIG.f in the source code by the versions linked in the tarball, 3) Recompile DRAGON. This effectively adds a new option to its EVO: module which will produce fission rates. 4) To test, run `rundragon input.x2m`. The output should match the contents of SF97jendlB630_step0000.dragon. Please contact me if you have any issues with the installation. -Christopher Jones c_jones [at] mit [dot] edu