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Archived Versions

G-Lab: Global Entrepreneurship Lab

As taught in: Fall 2007

Photograph of the city of Dubai.

Dubai, one of the locations where G-Lab has taken students. (Image courtesy of gorbulas_sandybanks on Flickr.)


Kenneth Morse

M. Jonathan Lehrich

Prof. Richard Locke

Prof. Shari Loessberg

Prof. Yasheng Huang

MIT Course Number:




Course Description

Entrepreneurship in the 21st century is evolving. Because of global changes in technology, communications, and capital markets, today's innovative startups are building successful companies in countries around the globe, in many instances with investors, vendors, customers, and employees located thousands of miles away. The challenges these leading-edge companies face, particularly in emerging markets, are some of the most sophisticated issues both for businesses and governments alike. These challenges are the focus of G-Lab.