14.32 Econometrics, Spring 2003

General bill of mortality for London from 1665.
General bill of burials by parish clerks of London, 1665.

Highlights of this Course

This course includes material for an extended student project, which can be found in the projects section of the site.

Course Description

This course covers the statistical tools needed to understand empirical economic research and to plan and execute independent research projects. Topics include statistical inference, regression, generalized least squares, instrumental variables, simultaneous equations models, and the evaluation of government policies and programs.

Technical Requirements

Any text editor can be used to view the .asc files found on this course site. Please refer to the course materials for any specific instructions or recommendations. Any number of software tools can be used to import the data files found on this course site. Please refer to the course materials for any specific instructions or recommendations.

Donate Now


Prof. Joshua Angrist

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session

One session / week
1 hour / session

