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11.328J / 4.240J Urban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting, and Representing the City, Fall 2002

Urban designers at work.
Images of urban designers at work.  (Image by Eran Ben-Joseph.)

Highlights of this Course

This introductory Urban Design class includes an extensive bibliography and a comprehensive set of introductory assignments.

 >> View this course en Español or em Portugues courtesy of Universia.

Course Description

This is an introduction course to the methods of recording, evaluating, and communicating about the urban environment. The course will build skills fundamental to undertaking a wide variety of urban design efforts, including for example: design of streets and public places, shaping neighborhood form and function, and incorporating natural systems into the urban fabric.

Through visual observation, field analysis, measurements, interviews, and other means, students will learn to draw on their senses and develop their ability to deduce, question, and test conclusions about how the environment is used and valued. Through the use of representation tools such as: drawing, photographing, computer modeling and desktop publishing, students will communicate what is observed as well as their impressions and ideas. This course is highly recommended as a foundation for future studio work in urban design.



Prof. Eran Ben-Joseph

Course Meeting Times

One session / week
3 hours / session




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