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14.05 Intermediate Applied Macroeconomics, Fall 2002

Photograph of US currency.
US Currency.  (Photograph by Daniel Bersak.)

Highlights of this Course

This course includes exams and solutionsproblem sets and solutions, and a twenty-page research paper assignment supported by additional documents addressing outlining, stylistics and proofreading.

Course Description

This subject considers three topics of macroeconomics that are alive and
controversial for policy today.

The topics are: exchange-rate regimes- their role in the Great Depression and
today; economic growth- the roles of capital accumulation, increased education, and technological progress in determining economic growth; and savings- the effect of government and private debt on economic growth.



Prof. Peter Temin

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session

One session / week
1 hour / session




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