Election.csv contains the following variables (variable names are listed in the first row). All variables are numeric. year Year (1996-2001) month Month (1-12) day Day (1-31) market Value-weighted daily return on NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ sp500 Daily return on S&P 500 index bldp Daily return on Ballard Power Supply bp Daily return on British Petroleum-Amoco cvx Daily return on Chevron-Texaco eog Daily return on Enron hal Daily return on Halliburton xom Daily return on Exxon-Mobile The market returns are only available through the end of 2000. The S&P returns are available through the end of 2001. Some dates of interest. Note that some events occured during the day while others occured after markets had closed. 03-14-2000 Bush wins Republican nomination 07-25-2000 Bush picks Cheney as running mate 08-04-2000 Bush formally accepts Republican nomination 11-07-2000 Presidential election 12-08-2000 Florida Supreme Court overturns prior decision; allows recount 12-12-2000 US Supreme Court overturns Florida Supreme Court; prevents recount 12-13-2000 Gore concedes; George W. is our newest president