This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at



The lecture notes were created over several years by the following people:

Esther Duflo, Professor of Economics, MIT

Abhijit Banerjee, Professor of Economics, MIT

Rachel Glennerster, Executive Director, J-PAL

Michael Kremer, Professor of Economics, Harvard University

Dan Levy, Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Dean Karlan, Professor of Economics, Yale University

Sendhil Mullainathan, Professor of Economics, Harvard University

Ben Olken, Associate Professor of Economics, MIT

Rohini Pande, Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Shawn Cole, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

Erica Field, Assistant Professor of Economics, Harvard University

Greg Fisher, Lecturer in Economics, London School of Economics

Rema Hanna, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Leigh Linden, Assistant Professor of Economics, Columbia University

Pascaline Dupas, Assistant Professor of Economics, UCLA

Seema Jayachandran, Assistant Professor of Economics, Stanford University

Luc Behaghel, INRA Researcher, Paris School of Economics

Bruno Crepon, Researcher, ENSAE and Ecole Polytechnique

Marc Gurgand, Associate Professor, Paris School of Economics

William Pariente, Post-Doctoral Fellow, J-PAL

Nava Ashraf, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

Karthik Muralidharan, Assistant Professor of Economics, UCSD