"Adopter Survey","Non-Adopter Survey",Question #,Question Description,Values, ,,V1,ResponseID,Text, ,,0. FRONT PAGE,0. FRONT PAGE,, ,,Q1,ID,Text, ,,Q2,Do you consent to participate in this study? ,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q3,Do you give permission to use photographs of you in our publications and other content resulting...,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q4,Full name of interviewee:,Text, ,,Q5,Age:,Numeric, ,,Q6,Gender:,"1: Male 2: Female", ,,Q7,District:,Text, ,,Q8,Sub-County:,Text, ,,Q9,Parish:,Text, ,,Q10,Village:,Text, ,,Q11,Name of interviewer:,Text, ,,Q12,Name of translator (if used):,Text, ,,Q13,Date of interview (dd/mm/yyyy):,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q14,Time of interview (use military time):,"hh:mm (military)", ,,"I. GENERAL INFORMATION ON FAMILY, HOUSEHOLD AND FARM","I. GENERAL INFORMATION ON FAMILY, HOUSEHOLD AND FARM",, ,,Q17,1. How many people are in the household (eat meals together)?,Numeric, ,,Q18_1_1_TEXT,"2. How many children between 6 to 18 years old live in the household?Ê-Number of children, boys:-Boys:",Numeric, ,,Q18_1_2_TEXT,"2. How many children between 6 to 18 years old live in the household?Ê-Number of children, boys:-Girls:",Numeric, ,,Q19,3. Do all children between 6 to 18 years old attend school? ,"1: Not all attend 2: All attend govt schools 3: None attend 4: All attend, and 1+ go to private, NGO/religious, or boarding school", ,,Q20_1_1_TEXT,4. What is the highest grade that the male and female heads have completed?Ê-Highest Grade:-A. Male:,Text, ,,Q20_1_2_TEXT,4. What is the highest grade that the male and female heads have completed?Ê-Highest Grade:-B. Female:,Text, ,,Q21,5.ÊWhat is the major roofing material of your house?,"1: Thatch, straw, other 2: Iron sheets, or tiles", ,,Q22,6.ÊWhat is the major construction material of the external wall?,"1: Un-burnt bricks, mud and poles, thatch/straw. timber, stone, burnt bricks w/ mud 2: Burnt bricks with cement, or cement blocks 3: Other (specify)", ,,Q22_TEXT,6.ÊWhat is the major construction material of the external wall?-TEXT,Text, ,,Q23,7.ÊWhat is the main source of lighting in your house?,"1: Firewood 2: Tadooba, or other 3: Kerosene/paraffin lantern, or electricity 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q23_TEXT,7.ÊWhat is the main source of lighting in your house?-TEXT,Text, ,,Q24,8.ÊWhat type of toilet is used mainly in your house?,"1: Bush (none) 2: Latrine of some kind", ,,Q25,"9. Do you or anyone in your household currently own any electronic equipment (TV, radio, cassette...","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q26,10. Does every household member own at least 2 sets of clothes? ,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q27,11. Does every household member own at least 2 sets of shoes? ,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q28,"12. What is the entire household's typical annual income? (in UGX, no commas)","Numeric (UGX currency)", ,,Q29_1,13. Do you or any household member belong to the following organizations?-A. Farmers' association,1: Yes, ,,Q29_2,13. Do you or any household member belong to the following organizations?-B. Cooperative,1: Yes, ,,Q29_3,13. Do you or any household member belong to the following organizations?-C. NGO,1: Yes, ,,Q29_4,13. Do you or any household member belong to the following organizations?-D. Savings group,1: Yes, ,,Q29_5,13. Do you or any household member belong to the following organizations?-E. Other (specify):,1: Yes, ,,Q29_5_TEXT,13. Do you or any household member belong to the following organizations?-E. Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q30_1_1_TEXT,"14.ÊHow many acres of land do you own, rent, lend and farm?-Acres:-Own:","Numeric (acres)", ,,Q30_1_2_TEXT,"14.ÊHow many acres of land do you own, rent, lend and farm?-Acres:-Rent:","Numeric (acres)", ,,Q30_1_3_TEXT,"14.ÊHow many acres of land do you own, rent, lend and farm?-Acres:-Lend:","Numeric (acres)", ,,Q30_1_4_TEXT,"14.ÊHow many acres of land do you own, rent, lend and farm?-Acres:-Farm:","Numeric (acres)", ,,Q31_1_1_TEXT,15. When was your most recent harvest?-Date-Day (dd),"Numeric (dd)", ,,Q31_1_2_TEXT,15. When was your most recent harvest?-Date-Month (mm),"Numeric (mm)", ,,Q31_1_3_TEXT,15. When was your most recent harvest?-Date-Year (yyyy),"Numeric (yyyy)", ,,Q32,"16. In the past two years, has anyone in your household received any agricultural trainings?","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q33,"16.1. If yes, from whom did you receive training(s)?","1: WFP 2: Other (specify)", ,,Q33_TEXT,"16.1. If yes, from whom did you receive training(s)?-TEXT",Text, ,,Q34_1,"16.2. ÊIf yes, what did you learn about in these trainings? (tick all mentioned)-A. Grain quality","1: Mentioned", ,,Q34_2,"16.2. ÊIf yes, what did you learn about in these trainings? (tick all mentioned)-B. Pre-harvest, harvest practices","1: Mentioned", ,,Q34_3,"16.2. ÊIf yes, what did you learn about in these trainings? (tick all mentioned)-C. Drying grain","1: Mentioned", ,,Q34_4,"16.2. ÊIf yes, what did you learn about in these trainings? (tick all mentioned)-D. Threshing and cleaning","1: Mentioned", ,,Q34_5,"16.2. ÊIf yes, what did you learn about in these trainings? (tick all mentioned)-E. Grain storage, post-harvest management","1: Mentioned", ,,Q34_6,"16.2. ÊIf yes, what did you learn about in these trainings? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q34_6_TEXT,"16.2. ÊIf yes, what did you learn about in these trainings? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,II. ADOPTION AND MANAGEMENT OF SILO/BAG,II. ADOPTION AND MANAGEMENT OF SILO/BAG,, ,,Q37_1_1_TEXT,1. Which silo/bag did you purchase? How many?-How many?-A. Super Grain (80 kg/bag),"Numeric (how many purchased)", ,,Q37_1_2_TEXT,1. Which silo/bag did you purchase? How many?-How many?-B. Plastic silo (250 kg),"Numeric (how many purchased)", ,,Q37_1_3_TEXT,1. Which silo/bag did you purchase? How many?-How many?-C. Med. metal silo (530 kg),"Numeric (how many purchased)", ,,Q37_1_4_TEXT,1. Which silo/bag did you purchase? How many?-How many?-D. Large metal silo (1300 kg),"Numeric (how many purchased)", ,,Q37_1_5_TEXT,1. Which silo/bag did you purchase? How many?-How many?-E. No. of plastic sheets?,Numeric, ,,Q38_1_1_TEXT,2. When did you purchase the silo/bag? -Date-Day (dd),"Numeric (dd)", ,,Q38_1_2_TEXT,2. When did you purchase the silo/bag? -Date-Month (mm),"Numeric (mm)", ,,Q38_1_3_TEXT,2. When did you purchase the silo/bag? -Date-Year (yyyy),"Numeric (yyyy)", ,,Q39,3. For how many harvests have you used the bag?,Numeric, ,,Q40_1,4. What reasons influenced your decision to purchase a new silo/bag? (tick all that apply)-A. Excessive crop loss,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q40_2,4. What reasons influenced your decision to purchase a new silo/bag? (tick all that apply)-B. Want to sell crop at better price,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q40_3,4. What reasons influenced your decision to purchase a new silo/bag? (tick all that apply)-C. No place to store grain,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q40_4,4. What reasons influenced your decision to purchase a new silo/bag? (tick all that apply)-D. Want more crops for home consumption,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q40_5,4. What reasons influenced your decision to purchase a new silo/bag? (tick all that apply)-E. Other (specify):,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q40_5_TEXT,4. What reasons influenced your decision to purchase a new silo/bag? (tick all that apply)-E. Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q41_1,"4.1. Of the reasons you just mentioned, which was the most important reason in your decision to b...-A. Excessive crop loss","1: Mentioned", ,,Q41_2,"4.1. Of the reasons you just mentioned, which was the most important reason in your decision to b...-B. Want to sell crop at better price","1: Mentioned", ,,Q41_3,"4.1. Of the reasons you just mentioned, which was the most important reason in your decision to b...-C. No place to store grain","1: Mentioned", ,,Q41_4,"4.1. Of the reasons you just mentioned, which was the most important reason in your decision to b...-D. Want more crops for home consumption","1: Mentioned", ,,Q41_5,"4.1. Of the reasons you just mentioned, which was the most important reason in your decision to b...-E. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q41_5_TEXT,"4.1. Of the reasons you just mentioned, which was the most important reason in your decision to b...-E. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q42_1,5.ÊWhy did you choose this silo/bag over the other silo/bag options available? (tick all mentioned)-A. Price,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q42_2,5.ÊWhy did you choose this silo/bag over the other silo/bag options available? (tick all mentioned)-B. Size,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q42_3,5.ÊWhy did you choose this silo/bag over the other silo/bag options available? (tick all mentioned)-C. Strength,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q42_4,5.ÊWhy did you choose this silo/bag over the other silo/bag options available? (tick all mentioned)-D. Effectiveness,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q42_5,5.ÊWhy did you choose this silo/bag over the other silo/bag options available? (tick all mentioned)-E. Ease of use,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q42_6,5.ÊWhy did you choose this silo/bag over the other silo/bag options available? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q42_6_TEXT,5.ÊWhy did you choose this silo/bag over the other silo/bag options available? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q43_1,6.ÊWho made the final decision to buy the silo/bag?-A. Husband,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q43_2,6.ÊWho made the final decision to buy the silo/bag?-B. Wife,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q43_3,6.ÊWho made the final decision to buy the silo/bag?-C. Both A. and B.,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q43_4,6.ÊWho made the final decision to buy the silo/bag?-D. Son,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q43_5,6.ÊWho made the final decision to buy the silo/bag?-E. Daughter,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q43_6,6.ÊWho made the final decision to buy the silo/bag?-F. Other (specify):,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q43_6_TEXT,6.ÊWho made the final decision to buy the silo/bag?-F. Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q44,7. Did you talk to anyone who influenced your decision to purchase a new silo/bag?,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q45_1,"7.1. If yes, who did you talk to? -A. Family member","1: Mentioned", ,,Q45_2,"7.1. If yes, who did you talk to? -B. Neighbor","1: Mentioned", ,,Q45_3,"7.1. If yes, who did you talk to? -C. Colleague","1: Mentioned", ,,Q45_4,"7.1. If yes, who did you talk to? -D. Community member","1: Mentioned", ,,Q45_5,"7.1. If yes, who did you talk to? -E. Farmers' group/association","1: Mentioned", ,,Q45_6,"7.1. If yes, who did you talk to? -F. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q45_6_TEXT,"7.1. If yes, who did you talk to? -F. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q46,"7.2. If yes, what did you discuss?",Text, ,,Q48,8. Do you know anyone in your community who bought the same silo/bag?,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q49,"8.1. If yes, how many people?",Numeric, ,,Q50_1,"8.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-A. Family member","1: Mentioned", ,,Q50_2,"8.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-B. Neighbor","1: Mentioned", ,,Q50_3,"8.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-C. Colleague","1: Mentioned", ,,Q50_4,"8.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-D. Community member","1: Mentioned", ,,Q50_5,"8.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-E. Farmers' group/association","1: Mentioned", ,,Q50_6,"8.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q50_6_TEXT,"8.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q52,9. Have you spoken to anyone about your silo/bag who did not attend the WFP trainings?,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q53,"9.1. If yes, how many people?",Numeric, ,,Q54_1,"9.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-A. Family member","1: Mentioned", ,,Q54_2,"9.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-B. Neighbor","1: Mentioned", ,,Q54_3,"9.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-C. Colleague","1: Mentioned", ,,Q54_4,"9.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-D. Community member","1: Mentioned", ,,Q54_5,"9.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-E. Farmers' group/association","1: Mentioned", ,,Q54_6,"9.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q54_6_TEXT,"9.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q56,"9.3 If yes, how many showed interest in learning more or buying the silo/bag? ",Numeric, ,,Q57_1,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-A. Better protection from pests","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_2,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-B. Better protection from water, mold","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_3,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-C. More/better food available for household","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_4,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-D. Higher crop sale prices/sell later","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_5,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-E. Easier to use and maintain","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_6,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-F. Less exposure to agrochemicals","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_7,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-G. Better hygiene, cleaner house","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_8,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-H. More secure","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_9,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-I. Takes up less space","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_10,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-J. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q57_10_TEXT,"10.ÊWhat, if any, are the advantages you have found in using your new silo/bag? (tick all mention...-J. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q58,10.1. Additional notes:,Text, ,,Q59,"11. What, if any, are the disadvantages you have found in using your new silo/bag?",Text, ,,Q60_1_1_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Granary-A. How many?","Numeric (how many)", ,,Q60_1_2_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Granary-B. What is the (unit) cost?","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q60_1_3_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Granary-C. Lifespan","Numeric (years)", ,,Q60_1_4_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Granary-D. What crop(s) do you store?","1: Maize 2: Beans 3: Sorghum Other (specify)", ,,Q60_1_5_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Granary-E. Do you use protectant (chemicals)?","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q60_1_6_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Granary-F. Why do you still use this storage unit?",Text, ,,Q60_2_1_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Open weave basket or sack-A. How many?","Numeric (how many)", ,,Q60_2_2_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Open weave basket or sack-B. What is the (unit) cost?","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q60_2_3_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Open weave basket or sack-C. Lifespan","Numeric (years)", ,,Q60_2_4_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Open weave basket or sack-D. What crop(s) do you store?","1: Maize 2: Beans 3: Sorghum Other (specify)", ,,Q60_2_5_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Open weave basket or sack-E. Do you use protectant (chemicals)?","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q60_2_6_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Open weave basket or sack-F. Why do you still use this storage unit?",Text, ,,Q60_3_1_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Metal barrel-A. How many?","Numeric (how many)", ,,Q60_3_2_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Metal barrel-B. What is the (unit) cost?","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q60_3_3_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Metal barrel-C. Lifespan","Numeric (years)", ,,Q60_3_4_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Metal barrel-D. What crop(s) do you store?","1: Maize 2: Beans 3: Sorghum Other (specify)", ,,Q60_3_5_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Metal barrel-E. Do you use protectant (chemicals)?","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q60_3_6_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Metal barrel-F. Why do you still use this storage unit?",Text, ,,Q60_4_1_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Plastic barrel-A. How many?","Numeric (how many)", ,,Q60_4_2_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Plastic barrel-B. What is the (unit) cost?","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q60_4_3_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Plastic barrel-C. Lifespan","Numeric (years)", ,,Q60_4_4_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Plastic barrel-D. What crop(s) do you store?","1: Maize 2: Beans 3: Sorghum Other (specify)", ,,Q60_4_5_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Plastic barrel-E. Do you use protectant (chemicals)?","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q60_4_6_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Plastic barrel-F. Why do you still use this storage unit?",Text, ,,Q60_5_1_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Other (specify):-A. How many?","Numeric (how many)", ,,Q60_5_2_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Other (specify):-B. What is the (unit) cost?","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q60_5_3_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Other (specify):-C. Lifespan","Numeric (years)", ,,Q60_5_4_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Other (specify):-D. What crop(s) do you store?","1: Maize 2: Beans 3: Sorghum Other (specify)", ,,Q60_5_5_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Other (specify):-E. Do you use protectant (chemicals)?","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q60_5_6_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Other (specify):-F. Why do you still use this storage unit?",Text, ,,Q60_5_TEXT,"12.ÊWhat other storage units do you use? Key: A. Ê Number B. Ê UGX, no commas C. Ê Years of use (...-Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q61,13. Have you stopped using any other storage units since you bought your new silo/bag?,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q62_1,"13.1. If yes, what type(s)? (tick all that apply)-A. Traditional granary","1: Mentioned", ,,Q62_2,"13.1. If yes, what type(s)? (tick all that apply)-B. Open weave basket/sack","1: Mentioned", ,,Q62_3,"13.1. If yes, what type(s)? (tick all that apply)-C. Metal barrel","1: Mentioned", ,,Q62_4,"13.1. If yes, what type(s)? (tick all that apply)-D. Plastic barrel","1: Mentioned", ,,Q62_5,"13.1. If yes, what type(s)? (tick all that apply)-E. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q62_5_TEXT,"13.1. If yes, what type(s)? (tick all that apply)-E. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q63,"13.2. If yes, did you use protectant (chemical)? ","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q63_TEXT,"13.2. If yes, did you use protectant (chemical)? -TEXT",Text, ,,Q64,"13.3. If yes, why did you stop using it/them?",Text, ,,Q65_1_1_TEXT,14.ÊHow would you rate your old/alternative storage unit(s) and the new silo/bag for:Key:Ê Ê1. Ve...-A. Affordability:-1. Old/alternative storage:,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q65_1_2_TEXT,14.ÊHow would you rate your old/alternative storage unit(s) and the new silo/bag for:Key:Ê Ê1. Ve...-A. Affordability:-2. New silo/bag storage:,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q65_2_1_TEXT,14.ÊHow would you rate your old/alternative storage unit(s) and the new silo/bag for:Key:Ê Ê1. Ve...-B. Performance:-1. Old/alternative storage:,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q65_2_2_TEXT,14.ÊHow would you rate your old/alternative storage unit(s) and the new silo/bag for:Key:Ê Ê1. Ve...-B. Performance:-2. New silo/bag storage:,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q65_3_1_TEXT,14.ÊHow would you rate your old/alternative storage unit(s) and the new silo/bag for:Key:Ê Ê1. Ve...-C. Ease of use:-1. Old/alternative storage:,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q65_3_2_TEXT,14.ÊHow would you rate your old/alternative storage unit(s) and the new silo/bag for:Key:Ê Ê1. Ve...-C. Ease of use:-2. New silo/bag storage:,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q65_4_1_TEXT,14.ÊHow would you rate your old/alternative storage unit(s) and the new silo/bag for:Key:Ê Ê1. Ve...-D. Overall value-1. Old/alternative storage:,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q65_4_2_TEXT,14.ÊHow would you rate your old/alternative storage unit(s) and the new silo/bag for:Key:Ê Ê1. Ve...-D. Overall value-2. New silo/bag storage:,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q66_1_1_TEXT,"15. How much did you pay for the new silo/bag? (UGX, no commas)-Price:-I. Super Grain (80 kg/bag)","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q66_1_2_TEXT,"15. How much did you pay for the new silo/bag? (UGX, no commas)-Price:-II. Plastic silo (250 kg)","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q66_1_3_TEXT,"15. How much did you pay for the new silo/bag? (UGX, no commas)-Price:-III. Med. plastic silo (530 kg)","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q66_1_4_TEXT,"15. How much did you pay for the new silo/bag? (UGX, no commas)-Price:-IV. Large metal silo (1300 kg)","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q67_1,16. How did you pay for the silo/bag?-A. In full,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q67_2,16. How did you pay for the silo/bag?-B. In installments,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q67_3,16. How did you pay for the silo/bag?-C. With credit,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q67_4,16. How did you pay for the silo/bag?-D. With borrowed money,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q68_1_1_TEXT,"17. If the silo/bag were [unsubsidized price from below], how likely are you to buy it?Ê Key: ÊÊ1...-A. Pay with your money:-1. Super grain","1: Very likely 2: Somewhat likely 3: Somewhat unlikely 4: Very unlikely", ,,Q68_1_2_TEXT,"17. If the silo/bag were [unsubsidized price from below], how likely are you to buy it?Ê Key: ÊÊ1...-A. Pay with your money:-2. Plastic silo","1: Very likely 2: Somewhat likely 3: Somewhat unlikely 4: Very unlikely", ,,Q68_1_3_TEXT,"17. If the silo/bag were [unsubsidized price from below], how likely are you to buy it?Ê Key: ÊÊ1...-A. Pay with your money:-3. Med. metal silo","1: Very likely 2: Somewhat likely 3: Somewhat unlikely 4: Very unlikely", ,,Q68_1_4_TEXT,"17. If the silo/bag were [unsubsidized price from below], how likely are you to buy it?Ê Key: ÊÊ1...-A. Pay with your money:-4. Large metal silo","1: Very likely 2: Somewhat likely 3: Somewhat unlikely 4: Very unlikely", ,,Q68_2_1_TEXT,"17. If the silo/bag were [unsubsidized price from below], how likely are you to buy it?Ê Key: ÊÊ1...-B. Pay with credit:-1. Super grain","1: Very likely 2: Somewhat likely 3: Somewhat unlikely 4: Very unlikely", ,,Q68_2_2_TEXT,"17. If the silo/bag were [unsubsidized price from below], how likely are you to buy it?Ê Key: ÊÊ1...-B. Pay with credit:-2. Plastic silo","1: Very likely 2: Somewhat likely 3: Somewhat unlikely 4: Very unlikely", ,,Q68_2_3_TEXT,"17. If the silo/bag were [unsubsidized price from below], how likely are you to buy it?Ê Key: ÊÊ1...-B. Pay with credit:-3. Med. metal silo","1: Very likely 2: Somewhat likely 3: Somewhat unlikely 4: Very unlikely", ,,Q68_2_4_TEXT,"17. If the silo/bag were [unsubsidized price from below], how likely are you to buy it?Ê Key: ÊÊ1...-B. Pay with credit:-4. Large metal silo","1: Very likely 2: Somewhat likely 3: Somewhat unlikely 4: Very unlikely", ,,Q69_1_1_TEXT,"15.Ê What is the highest price you would pay for each storage technology? (UGX, no commas)Ê-Price:-I. Super Grain","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q69_1_2_TEXT,"15.Ê What is the highest price you would pay for each storage technology? (UGX, no commas)Ê-Price:-II. Plastic silo","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q69_1_3_TEXT,"15.Ê What is the highest price you would pay for each storage technology? (UGX, no commas)Ê-Price:-III. Med. metal silo","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q69_1_4_TEXT,"15.Ê What is the highest price you would pay for each storage technology? (UGX, no commas)Ê-Price:-IV. Large metal silo","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q95,2. Are you aware of new silos/bags being introduced in your village?,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q96,"2.1. If yes, what do you know about the silos/bags (describe the new technology: what makes them...",Text, ,,Q97,"2.2. If yes, do you know anyone who has a new silo/bag?","1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q98_1_1_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-SuperGrain-2. How many people?",Numeric, ,,Q98_1_2_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-SuperGrain-3. How are they related to you?","1: Family member 2: Neighbor 3: Colleague 4: Community member 5: FarmersÕ group/association", ,,Q98_2_1_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-Plastic silo-2. How many people?",Numeric, ,,Q98_2_2_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-Plastic silo-3. How are they related to you?","1: Family member 2: Neighbor 3: Colleague 4: Community member 5: FarmersÕ group/association", ,,Q98_3_1_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-Medium metal silo-2. How many people?",Numeric, ,,Q98_3_2_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-Medium metal silo-3. How are they related to you?","1: Family member 2: Neighbor 3: Colleague 4: Community member 5: FarmersÕ group/association", ,,Q98_4_1_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-Large metal silo-2. How many people?",Numeric, ,,Q98_4_2_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-Large metal silo-3. How are they related to you?","1: Family member 2: Neighbor 3: Colleague 4: Community member 5: FarmersÕ group/association", ,,Q98_5_1_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-Don't know-2. How many people?",Numeric, ,,Q98_5_2_TEXT,"2.3. If yes, : KeyÊ 2: Ê Number of people 3: Ê 1. Family memberÊÊÊÊ 2. NeighborÊÊÊÊ 3. ColleagueÊ...-Don't know-3. How are they related to you?","1: Family member 2: Neighbor 3: Colleague 4: Community member 5: FarmersÕ group/association", ,,Q99,3. Were you interested in buying one of these silos/bags? (if interviewee responded no to questio...,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q100_1,"3.1. If yes, which one(s)? (tick all mentioned)-A. SuperGrain","1: Mentioned", ,,Q100_2,"3.1. If yes, which one(s)? (tick all mentioned)-B. Plastic silo","1: Mentioned", ,,Q100_3,"3.1. If yes, which one(s)? (tick all mentioned)-C. Medium metal silo","1: Mentioned", ,,Q100_4,"3.1. If yes, which one(s)? (tick all mentioned)-D. Large metal silo","1: Mentioned", ,,Q102_1,"3.2.ÊIf yes, why this one over the other options available? (tick all mentioned)-A. Price","1: Mentioned", ,,Q102_2,"3.2.ÊIf yes, why this one over the other options available? (tick all mentioned)-B. Size","1: Mentioned", ,,Q102_3,"3.2.ÊIf yes, why this one over the other options available? (tick all mentioned)-C. Strength","1: Mentioned", ,,Q102_4,"3.2.ÊIf yes, why this one over the other options available? (tick all mentioned)-D. Effectiveness","1: Mentioned", ,,Q102_5,"3.2.ÊIf yes, why this one over the other options available? (tick all mentioned)-E. Ease of use","1: Mentioned", ,,Q102_6,"3.2.ÊIf yes, why this one over the other options available? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify)","1: Mentioned", ,,Q102_6_TEXT,"3.2.ÊIf yes, why this one over the other options available? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify)-TEXT",Text, ,,Q103_1,"3.3. If yes,Ê why did you not buy one? If not interested, why not? (tick all mentioned)-A. Too expensive","1: Mentioned", ,,Q103_2,"3.3. If yes,Ê why did you not buy one? If not interested, why not? (tick all mentioned)-B. Don't need it/satisfied with what I have","1: Mentioned", ,,Q103_3,"3.3. If yes,Ê why did you not buy one? If not interested, why not? (tick all mentioned)-C. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q103_3_TEXT,"3.3. If yes,Ê why did you not buy one? If not interested, why not? (tick all mentioned)-C. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q101,4. Have you spoken to anyone who attended the WFP trainings?,"1: Yes 2: No", ,,Q104,"4.1. If yes, how many people?",Numeric, ,,Q105_1,"4.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-A. Family member","1: Mentioned", ,,Q105_2,"4.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-B. Neighbor","1: Mentioned", ,,Q105_3,"4.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-C. Colleague","1: Mentioned", ,,Q105_4,"4.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-D. Community member","1: Mentioned", ,,Q105_5,"4.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-E. Farmers' group/association","1: Mentioned", ,,Q105_6,"4.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):","1: Mentioned", ,,Q105_6_TEXT,"4.2. If yes, how are they related to you? (tick all mentioned)-F. Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q106_1,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-A. Better protection from pests,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_2,"5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-B. Better protection from water, mold","1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_3,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-C. More/better food available for household,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_4,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-D. Higher crop sale prices/sell later,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_5,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-E. Easier to use and maintain,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_6,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-F. Less exposure to agrochemicals,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_7,"5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-G. Better hygiene, cleaner house","1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_8,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-H. More secure,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_9,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-I. Takes up less space,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_10,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-J. Other (specify):,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q106_10_TEXT,5. What is good about your storage unit? What does it do well? (tick all mentioned)-J. Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q107_1,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-A. Poor protection from pests,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_2,"6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-B. Poor protection from water, mold","1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_3,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-C. Not enough food available for household,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_4,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-D. Low crop sale prices/sell immediately,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_5,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-E. Harder to use and maintain,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_6,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-F. Exposure to agrochemicals,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_7,"6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-G. Worse hygiene, cleaner house","1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_8,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-H. Less secure,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_9,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-I. Takes up more space,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_10,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-J. Other (specify):,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q107_10_TEXT,6. WhatÊis bad about your storage unit? What does it do poorly?Ê(tick all mentioned)-J. Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q111_1_1_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-A. Affordability:-1. Traditional granary,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_1_2_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-A. Affordability:-2. Open weve basket or sack,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_1_3_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-A. Affordability:-3. Metal barrel,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_1_4_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-A. Affordability:-4. Plastic barrel,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_1_5_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-A. Affordability:-5. Other,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_2_1_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-B. Performance:-1. Traditional granary,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_2_2_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-B. Performance:-2. Open weve basket or sack,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_2_3_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-B. Performance:-3. Metal barrel,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_2_4_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-B. Performance:-4. Plastic barrel,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_2_5_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-B. Performance:-5. Other,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_3_1_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-C. Ease of use:-1. Traditional granary,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_3_2_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-C. Ease of use:-2. Open weve basket or sack,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_3_3_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-C. Ease of use:-3. Metal barrel,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_3_4_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-C. Ease of use:-4. Plastic barrel,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_3_5_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-C. Ease of use:-5. Other,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_4_1_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-D. Overall value:-1. Traditional granary,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_4_2_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-D. Overall value:-2. Open weve basket or sack,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_4_3_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-D. Overall value:-3. Metal barrel,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_4_4_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-D. Overall value:-4. Plastic barrel,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,Q111_4_5_TEXT,7.ÊHow would you rate your storage unit(s) for:Key:Ê Ê1. Very good (100-76) ÊÊÊÊ2. Somewhat good...-D. Overall value:-5. Other,"1: Very good 2: Somewhat good 3: Somewhat bad 4: Very bad", ,,"III. STORAGE SALES, USE AND PRACTICE","III. STORAGE SALES, USE AND PRACTICE",, ,,Q71_1_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_1_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_1_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_1_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_1_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_1_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_1_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_1_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_1_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_1_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Maize-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_2_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_2_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_2_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_2_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_2_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_2_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_2_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_2_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_2_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_2_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Beans-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_3_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_3_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_3_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_3_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_3_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_3_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_3_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_3_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_3_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_3_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sorghum-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_4_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_4_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_4_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_4_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_4_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_4_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_4_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_4_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_4_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_4_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Gnuts-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_5_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_5_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_5_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_5_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_5_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_5_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_5_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_5_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_5_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_5_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Simsim-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_6_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_6_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_6_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_6_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_6_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_6_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_6_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_6_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_6_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_6_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Millet-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_7_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_7_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_7_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_7_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_7_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_7_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_7_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_7_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_7_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_7_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Rice-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_8_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_8_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_8_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_8_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_8_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_8_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_8_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_8_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_8_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_8_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Soy-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_9_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_9_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_9_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_9_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_9_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_9_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_9_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_9_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_9_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_9_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Sunflower-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_10_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_10_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_10_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_10_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_10_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_10_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_10_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_10_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_10_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_10_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Peas-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_11_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_11_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_11_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_11_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_11_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_11_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_11_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_11_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_11_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_11_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Cassava-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_12_1_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-A. Which silo/bag?,"1: Super grain 2: Plastic silo 3: Med: metal silo 4: Large metal silo", ,,Q71_12_2_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_12_3_TEXT,"1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_12_4_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q71_12_5_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q71_12_6_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_12_7_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_12_8_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q71_12_9_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q71_12_10_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q71_12_TEXT,1.1. What grains do you store in your new silo/bag? Key: A. ÊÊ1. Super grain ÊÊ2. Plastic silo ÊÊ...-Other (specify)-TEXT,Text, ,,Q72_1_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_1_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_1_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_1_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_1_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_1_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_1_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_1_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_1_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_1_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Maize-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_2_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_2_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_2_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_2_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_2_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_2_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_2_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_2_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_2_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_2_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Beans-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_3_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_3_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_3_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_3_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_3_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_3_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_3_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_3_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_3_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_3_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sorghum-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_4_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_4_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_4_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_4_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_4_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_4_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_4_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_4_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_4_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_4_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Gnuts-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_5_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_5_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_5_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_5_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_5_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_5_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_5_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_5_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_5_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_5_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Simsim-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_6_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_6_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_6_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_6_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_6_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_6_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_6_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_6_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_6_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_6_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Millet-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_7_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_7_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_7_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_7_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_7_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_7_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_7_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_7_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_7_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_7_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Rice-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_8_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_8_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_8_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_8_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_8_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_8_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_8_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_8_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_8_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_8_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Soy-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_9_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_9_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_9_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_9_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_9_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_9_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_9_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_9_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_9_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_9_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Sunflower-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_10_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_10_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_10_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_10_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_10_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_10_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_10_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_10_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_10_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_10_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Peas-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_11_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_11_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_11_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_11_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_11_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_11_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_11_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_11_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_11_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_11_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Cassava-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_12_1_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-A. Which storage unit?,"1: Traditional granary 2: Open wave basket or sack 3: Metal barrel 4: Plastic barrel 5: Other (specify) 6: None", ,,Q72_12_2_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-B. Quantity of grain harvested,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_12_3_TEXT,"1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-C. Quantity of grain not stored (sale, consumption at harvest)","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_12_4_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-D. Quantity of grain stored in silo/bag,"Numeric (kg)", ,,Q72_12_5_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-E. How full was the silo/bag filled?,"1: Completely full 2: Mostly full 3: Half full 4: Less than half full", ,,Q72_12_6_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-F. Percent estimate of grain loss in silo/bag,"Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_12_7_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-G. Use of grain stored (tick all mentioned),"1: Home consumption 2: Seed 3: Sale 4: Livestock feed 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_12_8_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-H. Indicate % use,"Text/Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q72_12_9_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-I. Where is the silo/bag stored?,"1: Inside home 2: Warehouse 3: Outside 4: Other (specify)", ,,Q72_12_10_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-J. Until when do you plan to store the grain?,dd/mm/yyyy, ,,Q72_12_TEXT,1.2. What grains do you store in other storage unit(s)? A. ÊÊ1. Traditional granary ÊÊ2. Open wea...-Other (specify)-TEXT,Text, ,,Q73_1_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_1_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_1_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_1_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_1_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_1_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_2_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_2_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_2_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_2_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_2_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_2_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_3_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_3_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_3_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_3_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_3_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_3_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_4_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_4_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_4_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_4_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_4_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_4_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_5_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_5_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_5_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_5_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_5_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_5_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_6_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_6_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_6_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_6_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_6_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_6_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_7_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_7_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_7_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_7_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_7_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_7_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_8_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_8_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_8_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_8_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_8_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_8_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_9_1_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_9_2_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q73_9_3_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q73_9_4_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q73_9_5_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q73_9_6_TEXT,"2. Sales of grain: Maize A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_1_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_1_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_1_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_1_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_1_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_1_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_2_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_2_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_2_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_2_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_2_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_2_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_3_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_3_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_3_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_3_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_3_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_3_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_4_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_4_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_4_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_4_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_4_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_4_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_5_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_5_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_5_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_5_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_5_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_5_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_6_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_6_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_6_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_6_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_6_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_6_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_7_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_7_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_7_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_7_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_7_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_7_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_8_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_8_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_8_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_8_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_8_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_8_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_9_1_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_9_2_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q74_9_3_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q74_9_4_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q74_9_5_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q74_9_6_TEXT,"3. Sales of grain: Beans A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q75_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q75_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q75_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q75_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Sorghum A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q76_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q76_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q76_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q76_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Gnuts A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q77_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q77_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q77_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q77_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Simsim A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q89_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q89_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q89_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q89_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain: Millet A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end i...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q90_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q90_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q90_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q90_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊRice A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q91_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q91_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q91_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q91_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSoy A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is s...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q92_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q92_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q92_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q92_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊSunflower A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, en...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q93_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q93_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q93_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q93_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊPeas A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end is...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_1_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_1_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_1_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_1_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_1_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_1_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_2_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_2_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_2_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_2_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_2_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_2_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_3_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_3_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_3_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_3_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_3_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_3_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain not stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_4_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_4_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_4_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_4_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_4_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_4_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_5_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_5_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_5_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_5_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_5_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_5_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_6_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_6_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_6_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_6_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_6_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_6_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_7_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_7_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_7_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_7_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_7_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_7_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #1-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_8_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_8_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_8_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_8_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_8_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_8_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #2-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_9_1_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-A. Harvest date",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_9_2_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-B. Quantity sold","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q94_9_3_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-C. Date of sale",dd/mm/yyy, ,,Q94_9_4_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-D. Price sold for","Numeric (UGX)", ,,Q94_9_5_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-E. Where did you sell?","1: On farm 2: In village 3:Other village 4: Other district 5: Other (specify)", ,,Q94_9_6_TEXT,"Sales of grain:ÊCassava A. Ê dd/mm/yyyyÊ(if no dd is given, assume 01; if beginning, middle, end...-Grain stored, other #3-F. To whom did you sell?","1: Direct to consumer 2: Local shops 3: Farmers organization 4: Agro-dealer 5: Middleman 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q78_1_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-1. Harvesting grain:-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_2_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-2. Drying grain-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_3_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-3. Threshing grain-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_4_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-4. Cleaning grain-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_5_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-5. Filling silo-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_6_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-6. Emptying silo-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_7_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-7. Cleaning silo-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_8_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-8. Selling grain-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_9_1_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-9. Other (specify):-Who is responsible?*,"1: Husband 2: Wife 3: Both 1. And 2. 4: Son(s) 5: Daughter(s) 6: Hired workers 7: Other (specify):", ,,Q78_9_TEXT,4.1. Who is responsible for post-harvest activities?* Key:ÊÊÊÊ 1. HusbandÊÊÊÊ 2. WifeÊÊÊÊ 3. Both...-9. Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q79_1_1_TEXT,4.2.ÊHow is using your new silo/bag different from your previous/other storage unit(s) (how do th...-Difference #1:-Description of difference:,Text, ,,Q79_1_2_TEXT,4.2.ÊHow is using your new silo/bag different from your previous/other storage unit(s) (how do th...-Difference #1:-Is this difference good or bad?*,"1: Good 2: Bad", ,,Q79_2_1_TEXT,4.2.ÊHow is using your new silo/bag different from your previous/other storage unit(s) (how do th...-Difference #2:-Description of difference:,Text, ,,Q79_2_2_TEXT,4.2.ÊHow is using your new silo/bag different from your previous/other storage unit(s) (how do th...-Difference #2:-Is this difference good or bad?*,"1: Good 2: Bad", ,,Q79_3_1_TEXT,4.2.ÊHow is using your new silo/bag different from your previous/other storage unit(s) (how do th...-Difference #3:-Description of difference:,Text, ,,Q79_3_2_TEXT,4.2.ÊHow is using your new silo/bag different from your previous/other storage unit(s) (how do th...-Difference #3:-Is this difference good or bad?*,"1: Good 2: Bad", ,,Q80_1,"4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-A. Harvest during hot, dry weather","1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_2,4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-B. Transport grain from farm to home as quickly as possible,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_3,"4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-C. Transport grain in clean, dry containers","1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_4,4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-D. Do not let grain come in contact with soil,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_5,"4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-E. Dry grain properly (plastic sheet, single layer, turn crop often, away from animals)","1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_6,4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-F. Determine that grain is dry enough to store (ä_13% moisture content),"1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_7,4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-G. Thresh grain properly to avoid damage to grains,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_8,"4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-H. Sort, clean grain (remove stones, husks, pods, bad grain; winnow, sieve, hand-pick)","1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_9,4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-Other (specify):,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q80_9_TEXT,4.3.ÊDescribe the actions you should do before you put the grains in storage to ensure that they...-Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q81_1_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-A. Do not store in direct sunlight-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_1_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-A. Do not store in direct sunlight-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_2_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-B. Do not store on the ground-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_2_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-B. Do not store on the ground-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_3_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-C. Position away from internal walls-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_3_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-C. Position away from internal walls-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_4_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-D. Keep away from fires-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_4_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-D. Keep away from fires-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_5_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-E. Close carefully (tied twice) (plastic bags only)-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_5_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-E. Close carefully (tied twice) (plastic bags only)-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_6_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-F. Seal openings (grease or rubber tire) (silos only)-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_6_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-F. Seal openings (grease or rubber tire) (silos only)-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_7_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-G. Kept closed for 30 days without opening (silos only)-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_7_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-G. Kept closed for 30 days without opening (silos only)-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_8_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-H. Place burning candle on grain surface (metal silo only)-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_8_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-H. Place burning candle on grain surface (metal silo only)-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_9_1,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-I. Other (specify):-Tick all mentioned:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_9_2,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-I. Other (specify):-Tick all observed:,"1: Mentioned", ,,Q81_9_TEXT,4.4A.ÊDescribe the steps required to use the silo/bag properly.Ê-I. Other (specify):-TEXT,Text, ,,Q83,4.4B.ÊWas the silo/bag observed or not observed?,"1: Observed 2: Not observed", ,,IV. IMPACTS,IV. IMPACTS,, ,,Q85_1_1_TEXT,1.1. How many workers work on your farm?-Harvest before silo/bag:-No. of full-time men:,Numeric, ,,Q85_1_2_TEXT,1.1. How many workers work on your farm?-Harvest before silo/bag:-No. of full-time women:,Numeric, ,,Q85_1_3_TEXT,1.1. How many workers work on your farm?-Harvest before silo/bag:-No. of part-time men:,Numeric, ,,Q85_1_4_TEXT,1.1. How many workers work on your farm?-Harvest before silo/bag:-No. of part-time women:,Numeric, ,,Q85_2_1_TEXT,1.1. How many workers work on your farm?-Most recent harvest:-No. of full-time men:,Numeric, ,,Q85_2_2_TEXT,1.1. How many workers work on your farm?-Most recent harvest:-No. of full-time women:,Numeric, ,,Q85_2_3_TEXT,1.1. How many workers work on your farm?-Most recent harvest:-No. of part-time men:,Numeric, ,,Q85_2_4_TEXT,1.1. How many workers work on your farm?-Most recent harvest:-No. of part-time women:,Numeric, ,,Q87_1_1,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Year prior to silo/bag:-Percent of annual income: agricultural activities","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_1_2,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Year prior to silo/bag:-Percent of annual income: livestock activities","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_1_3,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Year prior to silo/bag:-Percent of annual income: off-farm activities","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_1_4,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Year prior to silo/bag:-Percent of annual income: outside the country (remittances)","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_1_5,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Year prior to silo/bag:-Percent of annual gross income: other","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_2_1,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Present year:-Percent of annual income: agricultural activities","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_2_2,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Present year:-Percent of annual income: livestock activities","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_2_3,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Present year:-Percent of annual income: off-farm activities","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_2_4,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Present year:-Percent of annual income: outside the country (remittances)","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q87_2_5,"2.1. Where does your income come from? Input as out of 100, not 1.0. For example, 75, not .75-Present year:-Percent of annual gross income: other","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q88_1_1,"2.2.ÊHow do you mainly spend your income? (percent of annual spending) Input as out of 100, not 1...-Income (%):-A. Food","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q88_1_2,"2.2.ÊHow do you mainly spend your income? (percent of annual spending) Input as out of 100, not 1...-Income (%):-B. Housing","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q88_1_3,"2.2.ÊHow do you mainly spend your income? (percent of annual spending) Input as out of 100, not 1...-Income (%):-C. Clothing and household goods","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q88_1_4,"2.2.ÊHow do you mainly spend your income? (percent of annual spending) Input as out of 100, not 1...-Income (%):-D. Education","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q88_1_5,"2.2.ÊHow do you mainly spend your income? (percent of annual spending) Input as out of 100, not 1...-Income (%):-E. Health","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q88_1_6,"2.2.ÊHow do you mainly spend your income? (percent of annual spending) Input as out of 100, not 1...-Income (%):-F. Agriculture","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q88_1_7,"2.2.ÊHow do you mainly spend your income? (percent of annual spending) Input as out of 100, not 1...-Income (%):-G. Other","Numeric (out of 100)", ,,Q112_1_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Maize-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_1_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Maize-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_1_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Maize-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_1_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Maize-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_1_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Maize-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_2_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Beans-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_2_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Beans-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_2_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Beans-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_2_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Beans-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_2_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Beans-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_3_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sorghum-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_3_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sorghum-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_3_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sorghum-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_3_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sorghum-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_3_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sorghum-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_4_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Gnuts-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_4_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Gnuts-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_4_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Gnuts-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_4_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Gnuts-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_4_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Gnuts-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_5_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Simsim-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_5_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Simsim-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_5_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Simsim-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_5_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Simsim-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_5_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Simsim-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_6_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Millet-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_6_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Millet-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_6_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Millet-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_6_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Millet-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_6_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Millet-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_7_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Rice-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_7_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Rice-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_7_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Rice-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_7_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Rice-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_7_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Rice-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_8_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Soy-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_8_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Soy-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_8_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Soy-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_8_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Soy-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_8_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Soy-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_9_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sunflower-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_9_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sunflower-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_9_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sunflower-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_9_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sunflower-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_9_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Sunflower-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_10_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Peas-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_10_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Peas-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_10_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Peas-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_10_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Peas-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_10_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Peas-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_11_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Cassava-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_11_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Cassava-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_11_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Cassava-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_11_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Cassava-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_11_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Cassava-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_12_1_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Other (specify):-1. What is your annual household consumption need for grain?","Numeric (kg)", ,,Q112_12_2_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Other (specify):-2. How many months out of the year does the family live mainly on own (farm) production?","Numeric (# months)", ,,Q112_12_3_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Other (specify):-3. In the last year, did you have to buy grains for consumption?","1: Yes (# months) 2: No", ,,Q112_12_4_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Other (specify):-4. Why did you need to buy the grains?","1: DidnÕt grow 2: Bad harvest 3: Little storage capacity 4: Not enough production (small plot) 5: Sale of harvest due to urgency 6: Other (specify)", ,,Q112_12_5_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Other (specify):-5. Do you buy these grains every year to satisfy your family consumption needs?","1: Yes 2: No, only if harvest is bad 3: Only in exceptional cases", ,,Q112_12_TEXT,"3. Food security 1. Ê Kg 2. Ê Number 1 through 12 3. Ê Yes (indicate # of months); for example, 3...-Other (specify):-TEXT",Text, ,,Q113_1_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-1. Food availability-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_1_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-1. Food availability-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_1_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-1. Food availability-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_2_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-2. Health-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_2_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-2. Health-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_2_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-2. Health-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_3_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-3. Housing-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_3_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-3. Housing-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_3_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-3. Housing-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_4_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-4. Schooling of sons-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_4_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-4. Schooling of sons-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_4_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-4. Schooling of sons-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_5_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-5. Schooling of daughters-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_5_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-5. Schooling of daughters-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_5_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-5. Schooling of daughters-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_6_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-6. Workload of men-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_6_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-6. Workload of men-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_6_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-6. Workload of men-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_7_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-7. Workload of women-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_7_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-7. Workload of women-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_7_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-7. Workload of women-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_8_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-8. Family income-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_8_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-8. Family income-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_8_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-8. Family income-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_9_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-9. Farm production-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_9_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-9. Farm production-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_9_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-9. Farm production-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_10_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-10. Socio-economic status of women-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_10_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-10. Socio-economic status of women-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_10_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-10. Socio-economic status of women-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_11_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-11. Status/reputation of men in the community-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_11_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-11. Status/reputation of men in the community-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_11_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-11. Status/reputation of men in the community-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,Q113_12_1_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-12. Status/reputation of women in the community-Scale:*","1: Much better 2: Somewhat better 3: Same 4: Somewhat worse 5: Much worse 6: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_12_2_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-12. Status/reputation of women in the community-Does the change have to do with the use of the silo/bag?**","1: Very much 2: Somewhat 3: A little 4: No 5: DonÕt know", ,,Q113_12_3_TEXT,"4.1.ÊHow do you see the changes (evolution) in your livelihood since you bought the new silo/bag,...-12. Status/reputation of women in the community-Notes (if needed):",Text, ,,V. CONCLUSION,V. CONCLUSION,, ,,Q108,"1. Finally, in your opinion, what has been the most important change in your life since you acqui...",Text, ,,Q109,2. Is there anything else you would like to tell us that you think is important for us to know?,Text, ,,Q110,3. Notes and observations:,Text,